June 3rd, 2024

Grameen Kiosk in Mirzapur - The first marriage ceremony through the Internet

Due to the advancement of information technology, the world is now connected. Sitting in the quiet countryside of Bangladesh, the rural kiosk has raised colorful sails and interacted with different countries around the world in different ways. Grameen Bank, Grameen Telecom, and Grameen Communications have jointly launched three Grameen Kiosk of Mirzapur area from Tangail Zone since October 5, 2005 on an experimental basis to extend internet facilities to the rural people. They are now doing all the unimaginable things and making people wonder.

Mr. Haider Ali, a Grameen Kiosk entrepreneur located in Fatehpur Bazar under the Fatehpur Mirzapur branch, organized a commemorative marriage ceremony of Fatehpur village with Alhaj Mia, a Singapore expatriate, on the Internet on 4th December. This news was broadcast on BBC News on 22nd November 2005.

Md. Alhaj Miah, son of Ahmed Latif Miah of Moteshwar village under Bashail Thana in Tangail district, he worked for a long time in a factory in Bar Singapore with a good salary. His father Ahmed Latif was eager to make her son marry, but Alhaj Mia did not want that. Meanwhile, Latif Mia has decided to take Smriti Akhtar, daughter of Md. Chanwar Hossain of Fatehpur village under Mirzapur Thana, as her daughter-in-law. Incidentally, Smriti Akar, was a member of Fatehpur Branch of Grameen Bank (Center: 33rd, Group: 01, Debtor No.: 3242), finally relieved that the boy's father was also from the Grameen Internet Kiosk of the area. On December 4, bride Smriti Akhtar appeared as a bride in front of Hyder Ali's Grameen Kiosk's computer monitor. The former chairman of the area, Amir Hossain Lebu, was crowded with people from all walks of life, including dignitaries of the area.

All eyes are on the computer monitor. After opening the computer and clicking on the e-mail number of Singapore and opening the web camera, the pictures of the groom Alhaj and the bride Smriti Akhtar appeared on the monitor. Everyone present was shocked, the whole Fatehpur market turned into a joyous fair with instant clapping and cheering. Son Alhaj liked Smriti after seeing her. The two talked for a while, and it looked like they were talking side by side. Their relatives also spoke. Kazi Moulabi Md. Moshalem conducted the marriage for a dowry of Tk 1,50,000/-. Both bride and groom csaw each other online. Kazi Moulabi Md. Moshalem conducted the marriage for a dowry of Tk 1,50,000/-. Both bride and groom accepted online. The girl's father arranged the marriage online. All together it takes about 1 hour to complete all the wedding formalities. The father of the groom happily gave 300/- taka and the father of the girl 200/- taka total (300+200) = 500/- taka to the rural kiosk owner Haider Ali for the wedding expenses.

Internet marriage is a rare phenomenon. This marriage of Smriti Akhtar of Fatehpur village is a historical event which will remain forever etched in the hearts of the people of Fatehpur and the village.

Source: Case Study

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